Passwordless multi- factor authentication with what you have
OnePassFIDO allows users to authenticate and verify themselves at the login screen with what they have.
By combining our FIDO certified authenticators and server, OnePassFIDO offers a robust authentication
solution that is resilient against phishing threats that aim to capture biometric information.
Depend on your preference
Deployed on-premises
Fit existing enterprise environment
Complete control over the hardware and software
and the infrastructure and resources
Higher upfront costs
Longer implementation
Managed and hosted by a cloud provider
Fast implementation
Security provided by a cloud provider
More scalable than on-premise solutions
Lower upfront cost and pay-as-you-go
pricing model
OnePassFIDO Diagram
Security Assurance
With FIDO certified authenticators and
server, your users enjoy passwordless
or MFA authentication
Anti-phishing, worry-less for credential
Never store private information on the
Simple Implementation
Use the SDKs for Android and iOS
A range of support options from
documentation to guidelines
Have customer references of various
sizes and industries
Various options, from PIN to Pattern,
Biometrics, for users to choose a
preferred authentication method
User friendly
Enjoy FIDO authentication using PIN
or Pattern (no need to buy expensive
mobile phones equipped with biometric
OnePassFIDO High-Level Architecture (UAF)
OnePassFIDO High-Level Architecture (FIDO2)
*CTAP – Client to Authenticator Protocol
OnePassFIDO Components
Operating Environment Requirements of OnePassFIDO
The below OnePassFIDO Server, DBMS and Client
configuration is recommended to process up to
1,000,000 active users.
For OnePassFIDO Server configuration
above 1M active users, please consult our
OnePassFIDO Product Manager
for recommended server configuration.
Please Contact Us if you have any
questions about DTN software licensing.
Choose the right plan for you!
Scale your pricing based on the number
of uses actually utilizing OnePassFIDO.